Business Development Case Study

Nordic Master Class in Sustainable Urban Development

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Liveable and Sustainable cities are vital to global well-being. Cities are where people want to live, invest and work. Cities are the engines of economic growth but are facing unprecedented challenges with a
changing climate, population growth, shifting demographics, obesity and resource scarcity. The role that cities can play in solving global challenges and climate change cannot be overstated.

The Problem

Cities play a decisive role in shaping a more sustainable future economy. Currently, cities are benchmarked using scorecards that each have individual and specific angles for measuring and assessing city development.

But none of these have an integrated or holistic approach; neither do they secure involvement of the multiple stakeholders necessary for change. City councils around the world spend a lot of resources on developing their own strategy tools for city planning. Most of them recognise the importance of dialogue and stakeholder engagement but struggle with finding effective ways of executing a proper participatory process.

The Solution

The Nordics distinguish themselves by flat organisational structures, human-centric and citizen engagement approaches, openness and collaborative holistic approaches to urban development. Also, the Nordics stand out as world leaders in the green transition of cities, including for example efficient public infrastructure, bicycles, public space design, clean harbour baths, energy- and resource-efficiency, architecture, transformation of industrial cities, climate adaptation, and more. The Nordic Brand as a global green leader is thus among the strongest in the world.
This calls for international collaboration, co-creation and a responsibility to share our Nordic experience, tools and practises with the rest of the world in order to inspire and assist cities around the globe in their transition towards sustainable and liveable cities for people. As an important side effect, the Nordic strengths pave the way for tremendous export opportunities for Nordic solutions providers – well equipped by their home markets to help co-create the sustainable cities of tomorrow.

The Impact

With a background in the Nordic model of urban planning and designing liveable and sustainable cities, EIT Climate KIC Nordic and Quercus Group have arranged three Master Classes in sustainable urban development. The Master Classes will be delivered by some of the most experienced advisors within the field of urban development. In the Master Classes, we offer an interdisciplinary system approach in which all facets of
legal, financial, economical, technical, political determinants as well as the well-being of citizens are taken into account. We will offer the latest knowledge developed on urban sustainable development, derived from disciplines spanning science, government and business. The aim is to inspire and empower participants to move ahead with sustainable urban development and improve the quality of life in their cities.

The Master Class targets high-level representatives from city councils, city planning divisions and private organisations involved in urban development in China, India and North America.