
Circularity City at NordBAU

Neumünster, Germany
12 September 2019

The EIT Climate-KIC Circularity City program will organise an event at NordBAU in Neumünster 12 September 2019 at “Treffpunkt Dänemark”. The activities are an add-on offering for companies that are attending or exhibiting at the NordBAU exhibition.

The program is intended to provide companies, who are associated with circular economy in the built environment, insight, contacts and inspiration on current market trends on the North German market. The activities are created to allow participating companies to explore how circularity can be part of their value offering and create additional corporate visibility. 

Participation in the Circularity City activities are free, however, preliminary access to the NordBAU exhibition is required. All activities will be in English. The Save the Date with program information can be downloaded below.

Do you have an outstanding product in your portfolio that highlights sustainability and circularity in the built environment? Learn more and apply for the Circularity City Product Award!


Thursday, 12 September 2019


  • Welcome & NordBAU Briefing
    By Ulrike Linnig, Innovation Lead, EIT Climate-KIC, Germany
    Gain insight on how to position your products in the construction sector and the market potential for circular economy solutions in Germany. Targeted at both companies that are new in North Germany and those already established.
  • How Circular Economy works in Practice
    By Jesper Minor, CEO and Founder and Niels Mikkelsen, Partner and Senior Consultant, Minor Change Group, Experts on Circular Economy in Construction
    A no-nonsense presentation of why and how to convert your production and business execution into the realm of circular economy, looking at value chains and business models through good and less good examples.

    Location: Treffpunkt Dänemark, Halle 8


  • Event: Circularity City Product Award
    EIT Climate-KIC will present the winners of the Circularity City Product Award call-out for circular economy products from the built environment. The best solutions will be invited to show their product at NordBau at the Circularity City-stand at the exhibition.

    Location: Treffpunkt Dänemark, Halle 8

As part of the Circularity City project, a small market assessment with the purpose to understand how German businesses are using the Circular Economy (CE) in the built environment has been made.

The aim of the assessment was to gain valuable input on how to commercialise green building materials and waste reduction in the market. In addition, the report outlines the challenges and opportunities for Danish solution providers. The findings of the assessment can be downloaded below.


Circularity City is a project in collaboration with CLEAN, Central Region Denmark, Minor Change Group, GXN Innovation and Via University College.

For further information and registration, please contact:
Jakob Stolt, EIT Climate-KIC
Senior Project Manager